经络与穴位相似应用下载     DATE: 2024-04-28 04:59:18


本程式由中国香港中文大学中医学院制作,经络目的主要方便学习针灸人士可随时随地覆习经脉与穴位的相关数据, 并简单介绍学习针灸的基本知识, 令学习针灸人士对针灸学有基本概念, 可以在经验丰富的注册中医师指导下更有效地学习博大精深的针灸术 。

本程式内容包括: (1) 十二经脉和奇经八脉的穴位相似下载经脉走向, 并附以图解 。 (2) 详列397个穴位 (包括36个经外奇穴) 的应用定位、主治、经络解剖及针灸法等数据。穴位相似下载 (3) 各穴位附以经络图解释穴位位置,应用 图片可以手指点击放大, 缩小及移动。 (8) 用户可按经脉,经络 穴位 及疾病三方面查询相关信息 。 (9) 简单概述学习针灸的穴位相似下载其他知识, 如练习方法, 预备工作, 进针方法及注意事项等 。 (10) 有繁体及简体中文,应用 英文三个文字版本方便不同人士使用。 (11) 经常更新中文大学中医学院举办的经络活动。

School of Chinese Medicine,穴位相似下载 The Chinese University of Hong Kong developed this acupuncture app which aims to facilitate traditional Chinese Medicine students and other healthcare professionals to study acupuncture with the guidance of well experienced registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner effectively.

The content of the app include: (1) The route of 12 meridians and 8 extraordinary merdians (with pictures). (2) The location, indication and needling method of 397 acupoints (including 36 extraordinary points) (3) Pictures for all meridians and acupoints can be enlarged and moved. (4) Users can search the information according to the category of meridian, acupoints and diseases. (5) Information like practicing method, preparation work, needling method and precaution are also listed. (6) With Traditional, Simplified Chinese and English version. (7) Update school activities of School of Chinese Medicine.